according to Wikipedia, intention is a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action or actions in the future. intention involves mental activities such as planning and forethought.
we open our journal, set goals for ourselves and find ourselves 2 days later, slacking on the same things that we have vowed to do, with our minds, space and lives cluttered and exhausted.
setting goals and setting intentions are two highly contrasting concepts.
i believe that there is so much power in intention and focusing your mind on accomplishing a certain agenda.
when we accomplish certain tasks, there is an intention. and when we are given an intention, we must act on it.
having an intention is one thing, acting on it is another.
when you go to bathe, you have an intention: do you just have your bath to fulfill all righteousness or do you bathe to cleanse yourself and fell good outside as you feel inside?
when you eat, you have an intention, do you eat just to fill your stomach or do you eat to nourish your body with the right nutrients?
once you understand that nothing in this life is done without intention, you will experience a paradigm shift and your self-perception and perception of others will change as well.
i recently discovered this truth and it was both enlightening and yet a rude awakening. why rude? because i had realized that for a long time, i have been living life on inclination, not intention.
it was a rude shock.
but the only constant thing in life is change and i want to change in a positive way.
so the advice i can give to anybody reading this post, is not to underestimate the power of intention.
do not act on inclination, or just feel like you have to do something to fulfill all righteousness or fit someone else's belief or just to act.
instead live your life with purpose and with intention, considering what lies ahead, planning and and acting on your intention.
i would highly recommend this article from @alloramagazine, which is all about setting mindful intentions, which you will find very useful in your life journey, and further put things into clarity and perspective. click here to view the article.
until next post, continue to be the purest, most authentic form of yourself.
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